Use "enthronement|enthronements" in a sentence

1. (b) What actions has Christ undertaken since his enthronement?

2. (Re 6 Verse 2) This began with his enthronement as heavenly King in 1914.

3. Yelm was held to have returned by the enthronement of Khordavu as the Emperor of Dara Happa using the Anaxial Rites

4. The liturgy of your enthronement will be an occasion for you and for the Anglican Communion to celebrate the glory of God, contemplating Saint John's vision of a multitude crying out, "Alleluia!

5. The coronation of the British monarch is a ceremony (specifically, initiation rite) in which the monarch of the United Kingdom is formally invested with regalia and Crowned at Westminster Abbey.It corresponds to the coronations that formerly took place in other European monarchies, all of which have abandoned coronations in favour of inauguration or enthronement ceremonies.

6. The Coronation of the British monarch is a ceremony (specifically, initiation rite) in which the monarch of the United Kingdom is formally invested with regalia and crowned at Westminster Abbey.It corresponds to the Coronations that formerly took place in other European monarchies, all of which have abandoned Coronations in favour of inauguration or enthronement ceremonies.